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UMass Memorial Health

UMass Memorial Health

 UMass Memorial Health 

UMass Memorial Health is the health and wellness partner of the people of Central Massachusetts. Through pain and pandemics, our commitment to our communities never wanes. We use knowledge and innovation to create breakthrough medicine. To create jobs. To make life better for those we serve. We are leaders in the training of physicians and those who work in every facet of health care. We make outstanding care accessible for all, regardless of ability to pay. We stand for quality, compassion, dignity, opportunity and fairness. And we are relentless in our pursuit of healing.

At UMass Memorial Health, we also understand that a person’s health isn’t solely a result of seeing a doctor for a checkup once a year. While physical health care is a contributor, a person’s overall health is dependent on many different factors—from having a home to live in, to having food on their table, to having a job and access to health care and education. As an Anchor Mission organization, we aim to improve the health and welfare of our community beyond our hospital’s walls, particularly in those areas suffering pervasive inequality and social disadvantage. 



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