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Penn State Health

Penn State Health

 Penn State Health 

Penn State Health is a multi-hospital health system serving patients and communities across 29 counties in central Pennsylvania. It employs 19,700 people systemwide.

The system includes facilities in Hershey, Enola, Camp Hill, Lancaster, and Reading, Pa.; and more than 3,000 physicians and direct care providers at 90+ unique medical office locations. Additionally, the system jointly operates various health care providers, including Penn State Health Rehabilitation Hospital, Hershey Outpatient Surgery Center, Hershey Endoscopy Center and Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute.

In December 2017, Penn State Health partnered with Highmark Health to facilitate creation of a value-based, community care network in the region.

Penn State Health shares an integrated strategic plan and operations with Penn State College of Medicine, the University’s medical school. With campuses in State College and Hershey, Pa., the College of Medicine boasts a portfolio of more than $150 million in funded research and more than 1,700 students and trainees in medicine, nursing, other health professions and biomedical research. 


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